Lei Zhang

Lei Zhang

MSCS @ Georgia Tech

Ph.D. Candidate @ Northeastern


Lei is a Ph.D. of the Wind Engineering Research Group at Northeastern University. His research interests include wind load modeling, random vibration and wind-induced risk assessment. He develops accelerated performance-based wind engineering framework using stochastic approximation algorithm and machine learning techniques.

Lei is also a MSCS graduate at Georgia Tech. Some relevant courses are Software Architecture Design, Operating Systems, Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence for Robotics, Machine Learning, etc.

  • Structural Dynamics
  • Wind Engineering
  • Probabilistic Risk Assessment
  • Machine Learning
  • M.S. in Computer Science, 2024

    Georgia Institute of Technology

  • Ph.D. in Civil Engineering, 2024

    Northeastern University

  • M.E. in Civil Engineering, 2019

    Tongji University

  • B.E. in Civil Engineering, 2016

    Tongji University


Northeastern University
Graduate Research Assistant
Northeastern University
Sep 2019 – Present Boston
  • Developed the Layered Stochastic Approximation Monte Carlo algorithm for performance-based wind engineering
  • Applied artificial neural network for computationally efficient fragility analysis
Northeastern University
Graduate Teaching Assistant
Northeastern University
Sep 2021 – Dec 2021 Boston
  • Lectured and graded for Steel Structure Design and hosted office hours to guide students to find out solutions
  • Communicated semester project expectations with students and kept records of each student’s progress till completion
Tongji University
Graduate Research Assistant
Tongji University
Sep 2016 – Jun 2019 Shanghai
  • Performed FEM modeling of long-span cable-stayed/suspension bridges for dynamic property examination
  • Designed and conducted sectional/full-model wind resistance tests of extra long-span bridges for vibration mitigation/suppression



Java, JavaScript, Python, C/C++, R


NodeJS, ReactJS, jQuery, Bootstrap


Linux, Git/Github, Vim, MongoDB, MySQL


Journal Papers

  • Zhang, L.; Caracoglia, L. (2021). “Wind-induced fragility of a monopole tower via Artificial Neural Network based surrogate analysis.” Engineering Structures. (Under review)
  • Zhang, L.; Caracoglia, L. (2021). “Layered Stochastic Approximation Monte-Carlo method for tall building and tower fragility in mixed wind load climates.” Engineering Structures, 239: 112159. [Link]
  • Yang, Y.; Zhang, L.; Ding, Q.; Ge, Y. (2018). “Flutter performance and improvement for a suspension bridge with central-slotted box girder during erection.” Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 179: 118-124. [Link]

Conference Papers & Presentations

  • Zhang, L.; Caracoglia, L. (2022). “Wind-Induced, Structural Surrogate Fragility of Tower Structures by Artificial Neural Networks.” Presented at: 14th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX, USA. [Link]
  • Zhang, L.; Caracoglia, L. (2021). “Structural Fragility Analysis of Tall Buildings and Towers via Artificial Neural Network Surrogate Modeling.” Presented at: 6th American Association for Wind Engineering Workshop (online), Clemson University, Clemson, SC, USA. [Link]
  • Zhang, L.; Yang, Y.; Ding, Q.; Ge, Y. (2018). “On effectiveness of temporary piers in buffeting suppression of a long-span cable-stayed bridge in erection.” Presented at: 31st KKHTCNN Symposium on Civil Engineering, Kyoto, Japan. [Link]

Awards & Honors

Northeastern University

  • College of Engineering Dean’s Fellowship, May 2019

Tongji University

  • Excellent Graduate, Apr 2019
  • National Graduate Scholarship, Nov 2018

Shanghai Municipal Education Commission

  • Excellent Graduate, Mar 2016
